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Book in PDF Pages – Book as published in Jewish IMAGE Magazine Click below t0 download the chapter He_hath_not_let_me_die_may
Book in PDF Pages – Book as published in Jewish IMAGE Magazine Click below t0 download the chapter He_hath_not_let_me_die_may
Stealing Across the Border
“For your own sake, therefore, be most careful.”
Deuteronomy 4:15
A small motion in the region of my arm awakened me. I opened my eyes and saw my friend, his face again radiating like that of an angel.
Having woken up before me, he sat by my side, holding my hand. He seemed to have an alarm clock hidden inside him. Perhaps he really was an angel.
“You should get up; it’s beginning to get dark and we have to set out,” he whispered in my ear.
“Okay,” I said, sitting up next to him. I was dead tired. “When did you wake up?”